Dr. Gbenga Asaolu is a award-winning public health scholar, researcher and project manager with more than 15 years’ experience, ten of which has been spent working in senior management capacities in various organizations such as USAID, USCDC, Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) , Society for Family Health (SFH), and UNICEF.
He has led the design, coordination and implementation of several successful global health projects such as SHIPS for MARPs, ESMPIN, UAFC, LOPIN, ICHSSA across multiple countries such as Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya and US.
Dr. Asaoluholds a Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health and widely published with over 30 peer review articles in prestigious journals such as PloS, Sage, AIDScare, JAHR, JPHE, OJMR etc.